FRDBI: Record Details

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Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium, --/--/18XX, British Isles, coll.: M.C. Cooke, id: M.C. Cooke, herb.: IMI52587, FRDBI Record No.: 1371477, Origin of Record: IMI 'STS' + herb. IMI (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum, 16/03/1943, England, East Suffolk (VC: 25), Mendlesham, TM16, coll.: E.A. Ellis, id: E.A. Ellis, FRDBI Record No.: 43168, Origin of Record: E.A. Ellis herbarium (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola (as Nectria helminthicola), --/--/1945, England, Wiltshire, coll.: Dunston, id: anon, herb.: IMI2056b, FRDBI Record No.: 1409810, Origin of Record: IMI 'STS' + herb. IMI (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum, 09/02/1950, England, East Norfolk (VC: 27), Wheatfen, TG30, coll.: E.A. Ellis, id: E.A. Ellis, FRDBI Record No.: 43169, Origin of Record: E.A. Ellis herbarium (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum, 09/02/1950, England, East Norfolk (VC: 27), Wheatfen, TG30, coll.: E.A. Ellis, id: anon, herb.: K, FRDBI Record No.: 46265, Origin of Record: E.A. Ellis herbarium (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum, --/--/1985, England, Suffolk, coll.: Ellis, id: Ellis, herb.: IMI297503, FRDBI Record No.: 1399805, Origin of Record: IMI 'STS' + herb. IMI (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum, 20/03/1988, England, Buckinghamshire (VC: 24), Stoke Park Wood, SP8249, coll.: J.A. Cooper, id: J.A. Cooper, herb.: herb. J.A. Cooper, FRDBI Record No.: 270093, Origin of Record: Jerry Cooper (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum (as Helminthosporium velutinum on Prunus laurocerasus), bark amongst conidiophores, damp litter, 09/05/1999, England, Berkshire (VC: 22), Windsor Forest, High Standing Hill, SU9572, coll.: A.M. Ainsworth, id: A.M. Ainsworth, herb.: K(M)68651, FRDBI Record No.: 480357, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Ligustrum ovalifolium, --/--/19XX, British Isles, coll.: F. Rilstone, id: F. Rilstone, herb.: IMI349b, FRDBI Record No.: 1363639, Origin of Record: IMI 'STS' + herb. IMI (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum, --/--/19XX, British Isles, coll.: Ellis, id: Ellis, herb.: IMI39629, FRDBI Record No.: 1370478, Origin of Record: IMI 'STS' + herb. IMI (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum (as Helminthosporium vetultinum on Alnus), colony on twig, 27/11/2000, England, Berkshire (VC: 22), High Standing Hill, Windsor Park, coll.: A. Lucas, id: A. Lucas, herb.: FUNGUS20003452, FRDBI Record No.: 583718, Origin of Record: FUNGUS2000 (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Spiraea, dead twigs among conidiophores, 13/10/2001, England, Westmorland, Brampton, Cumwhitton, NY511518, coll.: P.W.C. Wilberforce, id: P. Wilberforce, herb.: K(M)90642, FRDBI Record No.: 634230, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum (as Helminthosporium velutinum on Gaultheria), amongst conidiophores, 16/03/2002, England, Berkshire (VC: 22), Englemere Pond, coll.: A.M. Ainsworth, id: A.M. Ainsworth, herb.: K(M)98689, FRDBI Record No.: 727053, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Berberis lycioides, dead, attached twig, amongst Helminthosporium velutinum, 14/01/2004, England, Surrey (VC: 17), Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Berberis Dell, Bed 461, coll.: A. Henrici, id: A. Henrici, herb.: K(M)121132, FRDBI Record No.: 951637, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum (as Helminthosporium velutinum / Hedera), condiophores, on dead twigs of ivy in damp woodland, 25/01/2004, England, Surrey (VC: 17), Esher: West End Common, coll.: B.M. Spooner, id: B.M. Spooner, herb.: K(M)121302, Notes: abundant ascocarps, FRDBI Record No.: 1158823, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum (as Helminthosporium velutinum / Corylus avellana), conidiophores, on bark and decorticated wood of a coppiced branch, 08/02/2004, England, Surrey (VC: 17), Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Conservation Area, coll.: A. Henrici, id: A. Henrici, herb.: K(M)121735, FRDBI Record No.: 1159231, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, 25/03/2004, England, South Hampshire (VC: 11), Linwood Bog, SU180097, coll.: A. Lucas, id: A. Lucas, FRDBI Record No.: 1036819, Origin of Record: Hampshire Fungus Recording Group (Stuart Skeates) (full record data).

Letendraea helminthicola, on/with Helminthosporium velutinum (as Helminthosporium velutinum on Alnus), amongst conidiophores on branch, common, 08/02/2011, England, North Hampshire (VC: 12), Odiham Common, SU7553, coll.: A. Lucas, id: A. Lucas, herb.: K(M)169433, FRDBI Record No.: 1643950, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

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