FRDBI: Record Details

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Radulomyces confluens (as Tremella vesiculosa), --/--/17XX, England, coll.: J. Sowerby, id: P.J. Roberts, herb.: K(M)110311, Notes: (ex herb. M.J. Berkeley) unpublished name by Sowerby, FRDBI Record No.: 899112, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1800, Northern Ireland, Near Belfast, coll.: J. Templeton, id: J. Templeton, Notes: H.W. Lett (1885) Proc. Belfast Nat. Fld Cl.: 265-316, FRDBI Record No.: 1780513, Origin of Record: Northern Ireland Fungus Group (David Mitchell) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 08/02/1840, England, North Somerset (VC: 6), Leigh Woods [near Bristol], ST57, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)33485, FRDBI Record No.: 225771, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), --/--/1853, England, Northamptonshire (VC: 32), Wothorpe, TF0205, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36506, FRDBI Record No.: 227811, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), on/with Alnus, --/03/1860, England, North Wiltshire (VC: 7), Spye Park, ST96, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36505, FRDBI Record No.: 227810, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Tremella viscosa - a misidentification), --/--/1878, England, Surrey (VC: 17), Sydenham, TQ37, coll.: J. Howse, id: P.J. Roberts, herb.: K(M)58304, FRDBI Record No.: 353165, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), dead bark, 27/04/1882, England, Warwickshire (VC: 38), Driffold Lane, Sutton, SP19, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36512, FRDBI Record No.: 227817, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 27/04/1882, England, Warwickshire (VC: 38), Driffold Lane, Sutton, SP19, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36469, FRDBI Record No.: 227786, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1885, Northern Ireland, Armagh (VC: H37), Ardmore Td., Lough Neagh, J0262, coll.: H.W. Lett, id: H.W. Lett, Notes: H.W. Lett (1885) Proc. Belfast Nat. Fld Cl.: 265-316, FRDBI Record No.: 1780512, Origin of Record: Northern Ireland Fungus Group (David Mitchell) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, on/with Betula, --/--/18XX, Scotland, Forfar (VC: 90), Glamis, NO34, coll.: J. Stevenson, id: P.J. Roberts, herb.: K(M)46484, FRDBI Record No.: 235842, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Hydnum papyraceum - a misidentification), wood, --/--/18XX, Scotland, Forfar (VC: 90), Menmuir, coll.: M. Anderson, id: P.J. Roberts, herb.: K(M)99601, Notes: ex herb. M.J. Berkeley; not hydnoid, FRDBI Record No.: 727368, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, wood, dead, --/--/1905, England, North-east Yorkshire (VC: 62), Castle Howard area, SE77, coll.: G.E. Massee, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 795538, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 11/05/1905, England, Warwickshire (VC: 38), Studley Castle, SP0864, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36510, FRDBI Record No.: 227815, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium roseolum - a misidentification), on/with Corylus avellana, twigs, --/11/1906, England, Warwickshire (VC: 38), Studley Castle, coll.: W.B. Grove, id: anon, herb.: K(M)8600, FRDBI Record No.: 951729, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), --/01/1907, England, Surrey (VC: 17), Kew, TQ1877, coll.: C.G. Lloyd, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36501, FRDBI Record No.: 227807, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), --/10/1908, England, Warwickshire (VC: 38), Studley Castle, SP0864, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36516, FRDBI Record No.: 227821, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), dead stick, --/11/1908, England, Warwickshire (VC: 38), Studley Castle, SP0864, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36517, FRDBI Record No.: 227822, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 25/10/1910, England, Cheshire (VC: 58), Thurstaston, SJ28, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36471, FRDBI Record No.: 227787, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 06/10/1911, England, Yorkshire, Bishop's Wood, near Selby, coll.: W.N. Cheesman, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36500, FRDBI Record No.: 227806, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 11/10/1912, England, Surrey (VC: 17), Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, TQ1876, coll.: A.D. Cotton, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36498, FRDBI Record No.: 227804, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 22/09/1914, England, South-west Yorkshire (VC: 63), Cusworth, SE5404, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 173269, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 22/09/1914, England, South-west Yorkshire (VC: 63), Cusworth area, Doncaster, SE50, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 848675, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 23/09/1914, England, South-west Yorkshire (VC: 63), Wheatley Woods, near Doncaster, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36504, FRDBI Record No.: 227809, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), --/11/1914, British Isles, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36465, Notes: ex Herb. I.M.I, ex Herb. J. Bayliss Ellliott., FRDBI Record No.: 351104, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 07/09/1918, Wales, Glamorganshire (VC: 41), Bishop's Wood, SS5987, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 177694, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 07/09/1918, England, South-east Yorkshire (VC: 61), Cliffe Common, SE6535, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 177790, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 07/09/1918, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Cambleforth, SE6425, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 177886, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, on/with Plantago major, 07/09/1918, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Stainer Wood, Selby, SE63, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 827399, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, on/with Trifolium repens, leaf (leaves), living, 07/09/1918, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Bishop Wood, near Selby, SE53, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 827400, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, on/with Quercus robur, 10/09/1918, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Byram Park, near Knottingley, SE42, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 827401, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, on/with Epilobium hirsutum (as Epilobium hirsutum / Epilobium ciliatum), 10/09/1918, England, South-east Yorkshire (VC: 61), Cliffe Common, near Selby, SE62, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 827402, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 10/09/1918, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Camblesforth, near Selby, SE62, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 827403, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 10/09/1918, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Byram Park, SE4926, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 177598, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 11/09/1918, England, South-east Yorkshire (VC: 61), Escrick, SE6243, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 176358, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, on/with Crataegus monogyna, 11/09/1918, England, South-east Yorkshire (VC: 61), Escrick Park, SE64, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 827797, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, stump(s), woodland, 12/09/1918, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Parlington Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: anon, id: T.F. Hering, FRDBI Record No.: 827619, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 12/09/1918, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Parlington Park, SE4235, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 178078, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 13/09/1918, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Selby, Stainer Wood, SE6330, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 177982, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 17/10/1918, England, Surrey (VC: 17), Weybridge, TQ06, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36503, FRDBI Record No.: 227808, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), bark of felled trunk, --/11/1918, England, Warwickshire (VC: 38), Marston Green, SP1685, coll.: W.B. Grove, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36515, FRDBI Record No.: 227820, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 11/11/1918, England, Warwickshire (VC: 38), King's Norton, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36514, FRDBI Record No.: 227819, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 24/09/1919, England, Derbyshire (VC: 57), Highlow Wood, SK2572, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 178514, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 26/09/1919, England, Derbyshire (VC: 57), Baslow, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36509, FRDBI Record No.: 227814, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 28/01/1920, England, Herefordshire (VC: 36), Bevere Brickyard, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36507, FRDBI Record No.: 227812, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 05/02/1920, England, Herefordshire (VC: 36), Overbury Wood, SO93, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36508, FRDBI Record No.: 227813, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), --/08/1920, England, Surrey (VC: 17), Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, TQ1876, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36513, FRDBI Record No.: 227818, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 01/10/1921, England, North-east Yorkshire (VC: 62), Castle Howard area, SE77, coll.: anon, id: E.M. Wakefield, FRDBI Record No.: 854786, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 15/06/1922, England, East Norfolk (VC: 27), Thorpe St Andrews, TG2708, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 151273, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 20/09/1922, England, Cumberland (VC: 70), Wythrop & Whinlater Woods, NY2029, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 151832, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), bark, --/11/1922, England, Warwickshire (VC: 38), King's Heath, SP0781, coll.: anon, id: E.M. Wakefield, herb.: K(M)36511, FRDBI Record No.: 227816, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), --/11/1922, England, Warwickshire (VC: 38), King's Heath, SP0781, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36468, FRDBI Record No.: 227785, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), on/with Plantae, stick, dead, --/--/1923, British Isles, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: IMI28325, FRDBI Record No.: 1368731, Origin of Record: IMI 'STS' + herb. IMI (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 19/05/1924, England, Derbyshire (VC: 57), Alderwasley, SK3153, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 213217, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), --/09/1925, Republic of Ireland, Dublin (VC: H21), Malahide, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 156965, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 22/09/1925, Republic of Ireland, Wicklow (VC: H20), Powerscourt, O21, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 156966, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 01/05/1926, England, South-west Yorkshire (VC: 63), Shirley Pool area, near Askern, SE51, coll.: F.A. Mason, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 855436, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 22/05/1926, England, West Sussex (VC: 13), Paine's and Rewell Woods, TQ00, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 157956, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 24/05/1926, England, East Sussex (VC: 14), Batworth Park Plantation, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 158087, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), on/with Ulmus, stump, 25/11/1926, England, South Devon (VC: 3), Newton Abbot, SX87, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36499, FRDBI Record No.: 227805, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), stump, 26/01/1930, England, Surrey (VC: 17), Richmond Park, TQ17, coll.: F. Ballard, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36476, FRDBI Record No.: 227791, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 17/09/1930, England, North-east Yorkshire (VC: 62), Glaisdale, Arncliffe Woods, SD9371, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 162870, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1931, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Nun Appleton area, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, Notes: 'not uncommon though I have only 3 records', FRDBI Record No.: 805018, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 10/09/1931, Northern Ireland, Down (VC: H38), Tollymore Park, J3432, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 161573, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 22/09/1932, England, West Sussex (VC: 13), Charlton Forest, SU8912, coll.: E.M. Wakefield, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36478, FRDBI Record No.: 227793, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), --/01/1935, England, Cambridgeshire (VC: 29), Kennet, near Newmarket, TL6968, coll.: anon, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36475, Notes: orig. det. as Corticium confluens, FRDBI Record No.: 351106, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 24/09/1935, England, South Devon (VC: 3), Heatree, SX7281, coll.: anon, id: anon, Lit. rec., FRDBI Record No.: 182419, Origin of Record: JNCC literature records database (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1936, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Becca Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 805002, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1937, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Becca Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 805003, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1938, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Becca Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 805004, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1939, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Becca Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 805005, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 18/11/1939, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Bolton Percy, SE54, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36477, FRDBI Record No.: 227792, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 03/12/1939, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Nun Appleton, SE5539, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36495, FRDBI Record No.: 227801, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1940, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Becca Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 805006, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 10/05/1940, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Austwick/Lawkland Moss, SD76, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 841883, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 10/05/1940, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Lawkland Hall Wood, near Austwick, SD7765, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 841971, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 14/09/1940, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Grass Wood/Bastow Wood area, SD96, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 842177, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 21/09/1940, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), beck opp.ave Hole Wood, near Austwick, SD7866, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 842321, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1941, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Becca Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 805007, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 27/09/1941, England, South-west Yorkshire (VC: 63), Cawthorne area, near Barnsley, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 779881, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1942, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Becca Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 805008, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), on/with Sambucus, 11/01/1942, England, East Norfolk (VC: 27), Wheatfen Broad, TG30, coll.: E.A. Ellis, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36474, FRDBI Record No.: 227790, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1943, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Becca Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 805009, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), --/01/1943, England, Cheshire (VC: 58), Cotkrill? Clough, coll.: B. Hartham, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36497, FRDBI Record No.: 227803, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 02/10/1943, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Bolton Abbey Woods, SE05, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 780254, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 03/10/1943, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Grass Wood/Bastow Wood area, SD96, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 780358, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1944, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Becca Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 805010, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1945, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Becca Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 805011, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, --/--/1946, England, Mid-west Yorkshire (VC: 64), Becca Park, Aberford, SE43, coll.: W.G. Bramley, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 805012, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), on/with Betula, branch, 1947, England, Yorkshire, coll.: S.J. Hughes, id: S.J. Hughes, herb.: IMI19249, FRDBI Record No.: 1408942, Origin of Record: IMI 'STS' + herb. IMI (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), on/with Buxus, branch, --/--/1947, England, Yorkshire, coll.: S.J. Hughes, id: S.J. Hughes, herb.: IMI19251, FRDBI Record No.: 1367716, Origin of Record: IMI 'STS' + herb. IMI (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, on/with Corylus avellana (as Corylus avellana / Quercus), 12/04/1947, England, North-east Yorkshire (VC: 62), Howldale area, near Pickering, SE88, coll.: anon, id: P.H.B. Talbot, FRDBI Record No.: 805013, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), on/with Sambucus nigra, bark, 14/05/1947, England, South-west Yorkshire (VC: 63), Roche Abbey, coll.: T.E.T. Bond, id: P.N.B. Talbot, herb.: K(M)115005, Notes: University of Sheffield Mycological Herbarium No.35, FRDBI Record No.: 903620, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), on/with Clematis vitalba, dead leaf, 10/06/1947, England, West Gloucestershire (VC: 34), Wotton-under-Edge, ST7593, coll.: P.H. Talbot, id: R.W.G. Dennis, herb.: K(M)36473, FRDBI Record No.: 227789, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 12/10/1947, England, North-west Yorkshire (VC: 65), Swinton Park, near Masham, coll.: anon, id: anon, FRDBI Record No.: 781541, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), --/--/1948, England, coll.: P.H.B. Talbot, id: anon, herb.: IMI23697, FRDBI Record No.: 1410088, Origin of Record: IMI 'STS' + herb. IMI (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens, 11/04/1949, England, South-east Yorkshire (VC: 61), Brantingham Dale, near South Cave, coll.: anon, id: P.H.B. Talbot, FRDBI Record No.: 805014, Origin of Record: Chris Yeates (Yorkshire Records) (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), --/--/1950, England, Cornwall, Pencalenick Estate, SW84, coll.: R.J. Murphy, FRDBI Record No.: 1600737, Origin of Record: Cornwall Records (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), on/with Ulex, --/02/1950, Republic of Ireland, Dublin (VC: H21), Bull Island (near), coll.: F.C. Hassell, id: anon, herb.: K(M)36470, Notes: orig. det. as Corticium confluens, FRDBI Record No.: 351105, Origin of Record: RBG Kew 'herbtrack' + herb. K (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), on/with Coniferae (as conifer), 22/07/1950, England, Cornwall, Pencalenick Estate, SW8545, coll.: R.J. Murphy, FRDBI Record No.: 1600738, Origin of Record: Cornwall Records (full record data).

Radulomyces confluens (as Corticium confluens), 22/07/1950, England, Cornwall, Pencalenick Estate, SW857452, coll.: R.J. Murphy, FRDBI Record No.: 1600739, Origin of Record: Cornwall Records (full record data).

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